safeHANDS is informed by over 30 years of research and extends the scope of our existing and widely used Foundation Numeracy Assessment (FNA) and Healthcare Numeracy Assessment (HNA) modules. It incorporates 20 core areas of mathematics and healthcare numeracy that underpin and inform the safe practice of a wide range of nursing proficiencies and clinical procedures.
safeHANDS makes it easy to assess your learners' capability to develop the mathematics and healthcare numeracy skills required to meet programme outcomes and provides a platform to support them in continuously developing their abilities in numeracy throughout their studies.
When scheduling a safeHANDS assessment for your learners, you can choose to include as many or as few of the skill domains providing the utmost flexibility in terms of learner or curriculum requirements.
At programme outset, provide your learners with a baseline assessment of competence in the 20 fundamental mathematical building blocks of nursing science and practice.
Assess your learners' competence development in each of the 20 individual skills domains in authentic practice contexts at key progression points throughout the curriculum.
The Mathematics and Healthcare Numeracy Performance Fingerprint enables you to identify your learners' strengths and weaknesses in mathematics right from the outset and better plan and direct their support and development needs to help them progress successfully through the programme.
Within the HMPF each block represents an assessment item (3 per skill domain) and colour-coding differentiates between correctly and incorrectly answered questions.
Provide focused learner support in crafting competence in the 20 individual skill domains through detailed exemplar video tutorials for accurately and appropriately solving nursing mathematics and healthcare numeracy problems.
Assess your learners' competence development in each of the 20 individual skills domains in authentic practice contexts prior to registration or licensure.
Further prepare your learners for practice by assessing their competence development using combinations of the 20 skill domains in sequences that reflect the healthcare numeracy requirements of common clinical procedures e.g. taking a pulse.
Note that this module is due for launch in 2024.
Watch this short video to understand how safeHANDS helps you on your journey to become competent in mathematics and the healthcare numeracy that informs nursing science and professional nursing practice.
For more information on the translational research process that has led to the design and development of safeHANDS please download a copy of our White Paper titled Decoding the DNA of Healthcare Numeracy: Establishing a Mathematics and Healthcare Numeracy Benchmark for Nursing.